Company Incorporation

Company Incorporation

Category: Company Incorporation Available
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Deciding to set up a company is one thing, but the next step is to decide the type of business you are setting up. Certain types of businesses in certain industries are required to obtain a license/permit when you register your business with related department.

Among the businesses which require licenses and permits are retail stores, hotels, spa, F&B, childcare centres, pharmacies, telecommunications businesses, etc.
  • Running a retail shop
  • Import/export
  • Setting up a hotel, guest house, or lodging
  • Running a spa
  • Establishing a travel agency
  • Starting a F&B business
  • Running an event management company
  • Setting up a real estate agency
  • Running a publishing business
  • Starting a private education business (includes childcare and kindergartens)
  • MAS regulatory obligations

Note that the registration of a company with the registrar of companies must be done before applying for business licenses/permits. If such is not the case, the license cannot be obtained. Either organizations or individuals may apply for this license.

We have provide company incorporation services for countries as below:


Incorporating a company in Singapore is a straightforward process that offers various benefits, such as a favorable business environment, political stability, and a well-developed infrastructure. Here's a general overview of the steps involved in incorporating a company in Singapore:

Choose Company Type: Decide on the type of comkpany you want to incorporate. The most common types is a private company limited by shares.
Company Name: Ensuring that there are no words that can be construed as vulgar or inappropriate.

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Incorporating a company in Malaysia involves a structured process that requires adherence to the country's laws and regulations.

Choose the Type of Company: Decide on the type of company you want to incorporate. The most common types are a private limited company (Sdn. Bhd.) and a public limited company (Berhad).

Company Name Reservation: Choose a unique company name that is not already in use. The name should comply with the guidelines provided by the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM).

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Incorporating a company in Vietnam involves navigating the country's legal and regulatory framework.

Investment Options: Decide on the appropriate investment structure for your company. Foreign investors often choose between setting up a 100% foreign-owned company or establishing a joint venture with Vietnamese partners.
Business Lines and Licensing: Determine the business activities your company will engage in and ensure they are permissible under Vietnamese law. Certain activities might require specific licenses or permits.

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Incorporating a company in Indonesia involves a structured process that includes several steps and adherence to the country's legal and regulatory requirements.

Determine Company Structure: Decide on the appropriate legal structure for your company. Common options include a limited liability company (PT), a foreign-owned limited liability company (PT PMA) for foreign investors, or a representative office.
Company Name Approval: Choose a unique company name and apply for name approval from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The name should comply with Indonesian regulations.

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Incorporating a company in Seychelles involves establishing a business entity in a jurisdiction known for its offshore financial services.

Choose Company Type: Decide on the type of company you want to incorporate. Seychelles offers several types of offshore companies, including International Business Companies (IBCs) and Special License Companies (CSLs).
Company Name: Choose a unique company name that is not already registered. The name should comply with Seychelles' naming guidelines.
Registered Agent and Office: Appoint a registered agent and provide a registered office address in Seychelles. The registered agent acts as an intermediary between your company and the local authorities.

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Incorporating a company in the Cayman Islands involves navigating its well-established offshore financial services sector.

Choose Company Type: Decide on the type of company you want to incorporate. The two main options are an Exempted Company and a Local Company. Exempted Companies are commonly used for international business, while Local Companies are intended for local business operations.
Company Name: Choose a unique company name that is not already registered. The name should meet the guidelines set by the Cayman Islands government.
Registered Office: Appoint a registered office in the Cayman Islands. This address is used for official correspondence and should be an actual physical location, not a post office box.

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British Virgin Islands

Incorporating a company in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) is a popular choice for international business and investment due to its favorable tax regime, flexible corporate laws, and confidentiality provisions.

Chinese corporations must pick a unique name that is not similar to other corporations already in existence. It is recommended to submit a total of three desired names in order to speed up the incorporation process.

In China, corporations are expected to appoint a registered agent to assist them with the incorporation process (although not legally required). An offshore company incorporating in China must also possess a local address for communication with the Chinese government.

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If you are interested in company incorporation services, please feel free to contact us for assistance and arrangements.

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DLBC Business Consultancy Pte. Ltd. Company Incorporation & Registration, Accounting & Taxation, License & Immigration Service in Singapore ~ DLBC Business Consultancy Pte. Ltd.
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